I have recently discovered about my self that i primarily communicate in two ways.
through prefaces.....and questions.
My prefaces are frequently longer than my actual point and my point usually
consists of a string of rather annoying questions.
So consider the above the surprisingly short preface for what i consider the overall preface for my blog...which you will find below...
this is a blog.
blogs are rather trendy at the moment.
Two people that I enjoy very much discussed this not to long ago.
They commented on their observations that the trendy blogger's lives appear to be perfect.
And they amusingly wondered about the effort these perfect bloggers must put into their lives for the sole reason of...blogging.
this is not one of those blogs.
My point...
to write down my "I wishes"... the ones that were, the ones that are, the ones that may one day may be, and even the ones that aren't.
to make this a place where i record my artistic pursuits and document my personal journey as a floundering art student.
and for you. for you i wish. laughter.